Bentley OpenFlows SewerGEMS Responsible sewer management Modeling Software for Sanitary and Combined Sewers If building and preparing your sewer models feels like a never-ending task, Bentley OpenFlows SewerGEMS software is for you. Bentley OpenFlows SewerGEMS streamlines the modeling process, so that you have more time for solving wastewater engineering problems, such as improving capacity and limiting sewer overflows, which ultimately enable utilities to comply with sewer regulations set by regulatory agencies. CAPABILITIES • Allocate and estimate sanitary loads • Allocate and estimate stormwater loads • Analyze hydraulics and combined sewer overflows • Analyze hydrogen sulfide formation • Analyze inlet capacities • Build and manage hydraulic models • Design and analyze culverts • Design and analyze low impact development controls • Design and analyze pond and outlets • Design sanitary sewers • Design stormwater systems • Simulate water quality
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