DESIGN & ANALYZE STATION AND AIRPORT STRUCTURES USING BENTLEY STAAD PRO SOFTWARE- Analyze and design metro stations or airports with STAAD. Designing and constructing metro stations or airports requires careful integration with the surrounding environment, including adjacent roads and buildings, utilities, and tunnels. Engineers like you need to consider moving loads imposed by trains, traffic, and pedestrians. You also need to incorporate the architectural vision, which often includes curved and sweeping forms in the structure. With STAAD you can- • Model complex geometries quickly using macros and easy-to-use wizards. • Perform analysis through various stages of construction. • Capture the behavior of walls and foundations using shell elements as well as the effects of soil on the structure using nonlinear springs. • Solve large models quickly with advanced, high-speed solvers. • Automate application of hydrostatic and soil pressure loads with purpose-built capabilities. • Streamline multi-discipline workflows with Bentley’s unique interoperability across the broadest range of applications. • Take advantage of over 90 international design codes with no additional fee. CONTACT US FOR MORE DETAILS
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